Love Unlimited with Hellen
Hello and welcome to season 3 Love Unlimited with Hellen podcast.In this season we shall open up our borders and explore the vast richness, abundance and uniqueness of life . We shall dig deep to learn more about relationships in their every sense. Our guests are equipped loads of wisdom and knowledge that I am eager to delve into as I also grow.Hi!My name is Hellen, Certified Master life coach and Relationships coach. Love, life and prosperity drive my curiosity. What drives you?If you haven’t connected with me yet, please subscribe to this podcast and let’s continue this talk on Facebook, Instagram or linked in. You can learn more about me by visiting www.guruhellen.com.I look forward to interacting more with you.This podcast is sponsored by “P.O.P.S.T.A.R SEIZE YOUR CENTRE STAGE” Available in book back and kindle version.You can get your copy at www.guruhellen.com or amazon.comWELCOME
Love Unlimited with Hellen
Love Unlimited EP96: The power of Movement in Relationships
Season 3
Episode 96
Do you remember the vigor and energy you had during dating years? Do you also remember the happiness, joy and peace of mind that came with that energy? Do you still have it or did you lose somewhere between the honeymoon and the children? What is your excuse for your hibernation from life? Is it valid, REALLY VALID?? I challenge you to desire growing old fit, healthy and happy; simply because thousands of aging couples and senile couples have done it and are still doing it: MOVEMENT FOR BETTER MARRIAGES! Please listen in for more...